Friday 24 February 2012

Good Bye Roosters

A fox killed ALL our roosters...they were getting beautiful feathers and plump and juicy...14 weeks old.  They are all dead.  Fox is still alive...hope not for long.  We can't have chickens with a chicken-killing fox around.  He was skinny and his days are numbered.  Don't get me wrong, I love animals, and I love nature's balance.  BUT I refuse to feed them my chickens!  We figure it cost us almost $100 to feed them, build fence, etc and for what?  To learn a very hard lesson.  Foxes dig under fences.  Wish my Dad's dog could've broke his chain...that fox would have learned a lesson.  So happy our neighbor saw him and told us so our girls didn't have to see that gross surprise.

I think I'm going to take the girls for a 50 cent baby ice cream.

Sorry for the depressing, angry post.  I wanna cry.

UPDATE:  Guess the fox actually climbed a log fence, jumped over our wire fence, and into the pen.  Had a feast, took 2 with him/her and climbed out over the gate.  Sly ole' fox.

Well, we don't have to worry about feeding those ones or cleaning up after them...something positive.  We've also learned foxes can climb well.  Point taken.  Now that's enough.

This post was from this summer, but interesting enough to put on this blog.  Predators are a real concern where we live and even with dogs and humans around, we can't let our chickens be completely "free range"

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